

400 N 3rd Ave Fruiport, MI 49415 

Corner of Pontaluna & Airline (3rd)
Disclaimer: Information is for individual education. Treatments are to be approved by each individual's physician of choice and are intended as an adjunct to medical treatment.  For serious health issues, please consult your physician.

640Rx PLC     400 N 3rd Ave Fruitport, MI 49415      Office: 231-747-9163 / Call or Text        Fax: 231-247-0700         NPI: 1326506742

CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME (CTS): CTS is irritation of the median nerve as it passes under the transverse carpal ligament into the wrist. It can have several different causes. How is it recognized? CTS can cause pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the part of the hand supplied by the median nerve. Massage? Depending upon the underlying factors, some CTS cases may respond well to massage. It is necessary to get a medical diagnosis to know which type of CTS is present. ****Fibrotic build-up is the most common variety of carpal tunnel syndrome. The body will tend to hypertrophy, or grow bigger and thicker wherever we use it most Depending upon how thick and where the fibrosis is massage may or may not improve CTS. DISC DISEASE: Disc disease is a situation in which the nucleus pulposus or the surrounding annulus fibrosis of an inter vertebral disc protrudes, in such a way that it puts pressure on nerve roots, the cauda equina, or on the spinal cord. How is it recognized? The symptoms of nerve pressure include back or neck pain, rediculopathy (pain along the dermatome), specific muscle weakness, paresthesia, and numbness. Massage? Back or neck pain that is not acutely inflamed or undiagnosed indicates massage. TENDINITIS: Tendinitis is inflammation f a tendon, usually attributable to injury at the tenoperiosteal or musculotendinous junction. How is it recognized? Pain and stiffness are usually present, and in acute stages palpable heat and swelling will occur. Pain is worsened by resisted exercise of the injured muscle- tendon unit. Massage? Tendinitis indicates massage. In the acute stage, lymph drainage techniques may help to limit and resolve inflammation. In the sub acute stage, massage may influence the production of useful scar tissue, reduce adhesions and edema, and reestablish range of motion (ROM). MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an idiopathic disease that involves the destruction of myelin sheaths around both motor and sensory neurons in the central nervous system (CNS). How is it recognized? These can include fatigue, eye pain, spasticity, tremors, and a progressive loss of vision, MS has many symptoms, depending upon the nature sensation and motor control. Massage? Massage is indicated in sub acute stages if MS, when the client is in remission rather than during acute periods in which function is diminishing. FIBROMYALGIA: FIBROMYALGIA syndrome (FMA) is a chronic pain syndrome involving sleep disorders and the development of a predictable pattern of tender points in muscles and other soft tissue. How is it recognized? FMS is diagnosed when other diseases have been ruled out, and when 11 active tender points are found distributed among all quadrants of the body. Massage? FMS indicates massage. Care must be taken not to over treat, however, because clients are extremely sensitive to pain and may have accumulations of waste products in the tissues that are difficult to flush out adequately. MYOFASCIAL PAIN SYNDROME: Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is a collection of signs and symptoms that indicate trauma to muscles that leads to a cycle of chronic spasm, ischemia, and pain. How is it recognized? MPS is recognized mainly through the development of trigger points in predictable location in affect muscles. Trigger points are highly painful both locally and in specific patterns of referred pain. Massage? MPS indicated massage which can break-through the pain- spasm cycle and help to get rid of the irritating metabolic wastes that accumulate around trigger points.
ARTHRITIS: Arthritis is a term that refers to more than 100 disorders that can cause joints to become swollen, hot, and painful. Some disorders begin and end with joint trouble. Many varieties affect other body systems as well, causing skin problems, vascular inflammation, kidney dysfunction, or other difficulties. Massage?     Osteoarthritis: Massage can be useful to maintain range of motion and to relieve pain in muscles that cross over affected joints, as long as inflammation is not acute.   Rheumatoid Arthritis: During remission, massage can be useful to help maintain joint function. During acute Stages, however, circulatory massage should be avoided.    Septic Arthritis: Massage is contraindicated for septic until the infection is completely gone from the joint. At the same time, massage may be useful to help restore function. ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS: ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS (AS) is a progressive inflammatory arthritis of the spine. How is it recognized? It generally begins as stiffness and pain around the sacrum, with occasional referred pain down the back of the buttocks and into the legs. It has acute and sub acute episodes. In advanced AS, the vertebrae fuse together in a flexed position. Massage? Massage is indicated in the sub acute stages of AS, where, along with exercise and physical therapy, it may be useful in maintaining flexibility. DIABETES MELLITUS: Diabetes is not a single disease, but rather a group of related disorders that all result in hyperglycemia, or elevated levels of sugar in the bloodstream, which then shed in the urine.(Type1 and Type2) How is it recognized? Early symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, thirstiness, and increased appetite, along with weight loss, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms are often subtle enough that the first signs of disease are the complications it can cause: neuropathy, impaired vision, kidney dysfunction, or other problems. Massage? Diabetes indicates massage as long as tissues are healthy and circulation is unimpaired. Many people with advanced or poorly treated diabetes experience numbness, cardiovascular problems, or kidney failure. Circulatory massage in these situations would not be appropriate. GROIN STRAIN: A groin strain is a tear or rupture to any one of the adductor muscles. There are five adductor muscles, the pectineus, adductor brevis and adductor longus (called short adductor which go from the pelvis to the thigh bone) and the gracilis and adductor magnus (long adductor which go from the pelvis to the knee). The most common muscle to be injured is the adductor longus muscle which connects from the pubic ramus to the medial (inner) surface of the femur(thigh bone). How is it recognized? Tightening of the groin muscles that may not be present until the following day. A sudden sharp pain in the groin area or adductor muscles during exercise. Bruising or swelling (this might not occur until a couple of days after the initial injury), inability to contract the adductor muscles (squeezing the legs together or possibly lifting the leg out in front). Pain on passive adduction or when stretching the muscles Massage? Massage is an indication of groin strain. Massage may help to heal the area quicker to allow the muscles to relax and repair themselves. I have added many of the popular types of disease that we are faced with today, however, this is a condensed list and does not contain every type since there are so many. If one is not listed or you would like to know about cancer treatments, please contact me.
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